80 research outputs found

    Dental Saggital Classical Tomography and Multi-layer CT in the Planning of Implants

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    Uspješna implantacija zahtijeva točnu obavijest o stanju alveolarne kosti i o preciznoj lokaciji mandibularnoga kanala u donjoj čeljusti i sinusa u gornjoj čeljusti. Ozljeda neurovaskularnoga snopa unutar kanala rezultira parestezijama lica, a perforacija maksilarnoga sinusa povećava mogućnost upalnih procesa i uzrok je neuspješnih implantacija. Klinička ocjena kao jedina metoda procjene planiranja usatka nije dovoljna. Kada se planira ugraditi usadak, prijeko je potrebno znati visinu i širinu alveolarnoga grebena kako bi se izabralo odgovarajući usadak. Ortopantomografija prikazuje alveolarnu kost u dvije projekcije i ne daje odgovarajuću obavijest o anteriorno posteriornom promjeru alveolarnoga grebena. Ubrzo je shvaćeno da sagitalni slojevi daju odgovarajuću predoperativnu obavijest o stanju i anatomskim pojedinostima alveolarnoga grebena za potrebe planiranja usadaka. U našem izlaganju prikazujemo dva moguća načina prikaza sagitalnih slojeva kroz gornju i donju čeljust upotrebom specijaliziranog ortopan uređaja uz usporedbu s višeslojnim CT-om. Objema se metodama odgovarajuće prikazuju željene pojedinosti.Successful implantation requires information on the condition of the alveolar bone and precise location of the mandibular canal in the lower jaw and the sinus in the upper jaw. Injury to the neurovascular bundle in the canal results in facial paresthesia, while perforation of the maxillary sinus increases the possibility of inflammatory processes and is the cause of unsuccessful implantation. Clinical evaluation, as the only method of assessment for planning an implant is insufficient. For implant planning knowledge of the height and width of the alveolar ridge is essential for the choice of an adequate implant. Orthopantomography shows the alveolar bone in two projections and does not provide adequate information on the anterior posterior diameter of the alveolar ridge. It was soon realised that saggital layers give the relevant preoperative information on the condition and anatomic details of the alveolar ridge for implant planning. In our presentation we present two possible ways of showing saggital layers through the upper and lower jaws by the use of a specialised device and comparison with a multi-layer CT. Both methods adequately show the desired details

    Magnetic resonance imaging study on temporomandibular joint morphology [Studija o morfologiji čeljusnog zgloba pomoću magnetske rezonancije]

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has enabled the accomplishment of a more effective diagnostics of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The sample included 40 patients with clinical symptoms of disc displacement (DD) of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and 25 subjects included in our study were asymptomatic. DD were diagnosed by clinical examinations which were subsequently confirmed by MRI. DD was found in 18% of the TMJs of the asymptomatic patients. The highest prevalence of total DD without reduction was found in 44.1% of the patients' joints subsequently followed by total DD with reduction comprising 34.9% of the TMJs and by partial DD with reduction comprising 21% of the TMJs. This study may help us clarify the complicated relationship which exists between the radiographic and clinical findings of TMJ disorders

    VIRALNI MARKETING : Završni rad

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    Tema ovog rada je viralni marketing. Kako se definira, koje su njegove zakonitosti, prednosti i nedostatci. U teorijskom dijelu rada objašnjeni su počeci modernog, digitalnog marketinga, koja su njegove preteče u postavljanju temelje za marketing informacijskog doba. Koji se alati koriste, kako je to utjecalo na komunikacije i odnose između kupaca i poslovanja su također obrađeni. Kroz obradu generalnog digitalnog marketinga, definira se njegov pojam i prikazuju druge varijante prije viralnog marketinga kako bi se prikazale sličnosti i razlike između ovih oblika i viralnog marketinga. Također, kroz tri primjera uspješnih i neuspješnih kampanja, daje se uvid u stvarne situacije koje mogu učiniti kampanju uspjehom ili skandalom s dugoročnim negativnim posljedicama.The topic of this paper is viral marketing. How to define it, what are its core elements, advantages and disadvantages. In the theoretical portion of the work, the history and foundations of modern marketing are explored and how these bedrocks helped form the marketing of the information age. Which tools are utilized, how have they impacted the way business' and customers communicate and form relationships is also elaborated upon. Through explaining digital marketing, its very meaning is defined and the various forms it appears in are explored to showcase the similarities and differences between them and viral marketing. Also, through three examples of successful and failed viral marketing campaigns, insight is provided into actual situations which can make a campaign a success or a scandal with long term negative consequences

    Computation of Carson formulas using piecewise approximation of kernel function

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    Novel approach for the high-accurate computation of Carson formulas is presented. Carson formulas are used for computation of per-unit length (pul) self and mutual impedances of infinitely long parallel conductors. Numerical algorithm described in this paper uses a piecewise approximation of the kernel function which appears in the Carson formula corrections. Approximated kernel function is multiplied by the rest of the integrands in the impedance correction expressions and analytically integrated. By using the proposed algorithm, highaccurate results with the desired computed n-digit accuracy can easily be obtained. Results computed by the proposed algorithm are compared with the two most commonly used approximation methods for large frequency range

    VIRALNI MARKETING : Završni rad

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    Tema ovog rada je viralni marketing. Kako se definira, koje su njegove zakonitosti, prednosti i nedostatci. U teorijskom dijelu rada objašnjeni su počeci modernog, digitalnog marketinga, koja su njegove preteče u postavljanju temelje za marketing informacijskog doba. Koji se alati koriste, kako je to utjecalo na komunikacije i odnose između kupaca i poslovanja su također obrađeni. Kroz obradu generalnog digitalnog marketinga, definira se njegov pojam i prikazuju druge varijante prije viralnog marketinga kako bi se prikazale sličnosti i razlike između ovih oblika i viralnog marketinga. Također, kroz tri primjera uspješnih i neuspješnih kampanja, daje se uvid u stvarne situacije koje mogu učiniti kampanju uspjehom ili skandalom s dugoročnim negativnim posljedicama.The topic of this paper is viral marketing. How to define it, what are its core elements, advantages and disadvantages. In the theoretical portion of the work, the history and foundations of modern marketing are explored and how these bedrocks helped form the marketing of the information age. Which tools are utilized, how have they impacted the way business' and customers communicate and form relationships is also elaborated upon. Through explaining digital marketing, its very meaning is defined and the various forms it appears in are explored to showcase the similarities and differences between them and viral marketing. Also, through three examples of successful and failed viral marketing campaigns, insight is provided into actual situations which can make a campaign a success or a scandal with long term negative consequences


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    In this manuscript, a novel method for computation of per-unit-length internal impedance of a cylindrical multilayer conductor with conductive and dielectric layers is presented in detail. In addition to this, formulas for computation of electric and magnetic field distribution throughout the entire multilayer conductor (including dielectric layers) have been derived. The presented formulas for electric and magnetic field in conductive layers have been directly derived from Maxwell equations using modified Bessel functions. However, electric and magnetic field in dielectric layers has been computed indirectly from the electric and magnetic fields in contiguous conductive layers which reduces the total number of unknowns in the system of equations. Displacement currents have been disregarded in both conductive and dielectric layers. This is justifiable if the conductive layers are good conductors. The validity of introducing these approximations is tested in the paper versus a model that takes into account displacement currents in all types of layers

    Korelacija arterijskih kalcifikacija dojke na mamogramu s čimbenicima rizika povezanim s načinom žiovta

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the association between some lifestyle-attributable risk factors of atherosclerosis, such as body mass index (BMI), oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, smoking and alcohol consumption with breast arterial calcification (BAC) and its intensity on mammograms, and to assess the impact of these lifestyle risk factors on mammography findings of BAC. This prospective study included 300 women aged 47-69, i.e. a group of 149 women with BAC on mammograms and control group of 151 women without BAC. Self-reported BMI, use of oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, smoking and alcohol consumption were recorded by medical interview. The presence of BAC and its intensity on mammography was compared according to the presence of high BMI and use of hormone therapy, smoking and alcohol consumption. The results showed the highest proportion of smokers (28.9%) in the group with mild BAC as compared with the groups without calcification (14.6%) and with intense calcification (12.1%). Women taking oral contraceptives had a higher level of calcified breast arteries but no significant between-group difference was found for high BMI, hormone therapy and alcohol consumption. Thus, study results showed the mammographic finding of BAC to be inadequate to identify women with some lifestyle-attributable risk factors such as BMI, hormone replacement therapy, smoking and alcohol consumption.Istraživala se povezanost određenih čimbenika rizika ateroskleroze povezanih s načinom života poput indeksa tjelesne mase (ITM), uzimanja oralnih kontraceptiva, hormonske nadomjesne terapije, pušenja i konzumiranja alkohola s arterijskim kalcifikacijama dojke i njihovim stupnjem intenziteta na mamografiji. Ova prospektivna studija je uključila 300 žena u dobi od 47 do 69 godina, od kojih je skupina od 149 žena imala arterijske kalcifikacije dojki na mamografiji, a druga kontrolna skupina od 151 žene je bila bez arterijskih kalcifikacija. Medicinskim intervjuom dobiveni su podaci o tjelesnoj težini i visini ispitanica, prema kojima se izračunao ITM te anamnestički podaci o prethodnoj uporabi oralnih kontraceptiva, hormonske nadomjesne terapije, pušenju i konzumiranju alkohola. Uspoređen je nalaz arterijskih kalcifikacija dojki i njihovog stupnja na mamografiji s ITM-om i uporabom hormonske terapije te pušenjem i konzumiranjem alkohola. U skupini žena s blažim kalcifikacijama dojki bio je najveći udio pušača (28,9%) u odnosu na skupinu bez kalcifikacija (14,6%) ili skupinu s intenzivnim kalcifikacijama (12,1%). Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajnu povezanost arterijskih kalcifikacija dojki s oralnom kontracepcijom, dok nije nađena statistički značajna povezanost između arterijskih kalcifikacija dojki na mamogramu i uporabe hormonske nadomjesne terapije, ITM-a, pušenja i konzumiranja alkohola. Dakle, mamografski nalaz arterijskih kalcifikacija dojki nije dostatan za identificiranje žena s nekim čimbenicima rizika ateroskleroze povezanim s načinom života, odnosno nalaz istih na mamogramu ne upućuje na čimbenike rizika na koje se može utjecati, kao što su visok ITM, uporaba hormonske terapije, pušenje i konzumiranje alkohola

    Prijelom podlaktice: rezultati desetgodišnjeg praćenja

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    Fractures of the forearm present a unique management problem for years. Major improvements in the results of management of this injury awaited the development of advanced techniques. The introduction of AO implants and AO principles has markedly improved functional results for the patient, depending on the degree of soft tissue injury. Presentation is made of a ten-year follow-up of forearm fractures operatively treated at the Department of Surgery, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital in Zagreb. The follow-up included 354 forearm fractures in 331 patients. Complete forearm shaft fractures were recorded in 121 (34%), fracture of the ulna alone in 130 (37%) and of the radius alone in 102 (29%) patients. Compound fractures occurred in 67 (19%) patients. All patients underwent operative treatment. Compound fracture was the indication for early operation in 85 (24%) patients. Internal fixation was performed by use of a narrow dynamic compression plate (DCP), mostly small DCP, and occasionally semitubular plate. Second and third degree open fractures were treated with external fixation. Postoperative plaster immobilization was employed in 39 patients for three to four weeks. Complications included infection (2.8%), nonunion (3.9%), refracture (1.4%), and synostosis (2.8%). Results of surgical treatment were considered excellent in 62%, good in 16%, satisfactory in 12%, and poor in 10% of patients.Svrha istraživanja bila je ispitati opravdanost operacijskog pristupa liječenju prijeloma podlaktice udruženih s ozljedama susjednih zglobova u odnosu na moguće komplikacije i konačan rezultat liječenja, kroz 10-godišnje praćenje bolesnika u vlastitoj kazuistici. U 10-godišnjem razdoblju od 1988. do 1998. godine metodom osteosinteze je liječen 331 bolesnik s ukupno 354prijeloma podlaktičnih kostiju udruženih s ozljedama zglobova. Prikazani su statistički podaci o lokalizaciji prijeloma, raspodjeli prema dobi i spolu, načinu liječenja i komplikacijama. Posebna je pozornost poklonjena dijafiznim prijelomima podlaktičnih kostiju udruženim s ozljedama susjednih zglobova, kojih je bilo 162 (48%). Ocjena uspješnosti kirurškog liječenja navedenih ozljeda temeljena je na funkcionalnom rezultatu po završetku liječenja, prema stupnju ograničenja pokretljivosti lakatnog i ručnog zgloba. Rezultat kirurškog liječenja ovih ozljeda ocijenjen je kao odličan u 60%, dobar u 15%, zadovoljavajući u 13% i loš u 12% slučajeva. Zadovoljavajući i loši rezultati zabilježeni su u slučajevima gdje je dodatna sadrena imobilizacija primijenjena u poslijeoperacijskom tijeku kroz razdoblje duže od tri tjedna, a zbog nedovoljne stabilnosti osteosinteze. Rezultati ovoga ispitivanja nedvojbeno govore u prilog ispravnosti operacijskog liječenja prijeloma podlaktice udruženih sa zglobnim ozljedama, pri čem se ne može dovoljno naglasiti potreba postizanja stabilne osteosinteze za dobar konačan funkcionalni rezultat ovakvog načina liječenja

    Usage of Internet Social Networks and Participatory Dimensions of Social Capital of Youth – The Example of Facebook

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    Temeljni cilj ovoga rada jest analiza veze između upotrebe internetskih društvenih mreža (na primjeru Facebooka) i participacijskih dimenzija društvenoga kapitala kod mladih u Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju se rabe operacionalizirane participativne dimenzije društvenoga kapitala prema radovima Roberta D. Putnama te teorije o internetskim društvenim mrežama kao potencijalnim agensima društvenoga kapitala. Istraživanje je provedeno online anketom 2012. godine na prigodnom uzorku mladih u Hrvatskoj (N = 577). Rezultati upućuju na konzistentnu pozitivnu povezanost upotrebe internetskih društvenih mreža i broja članstava u udrugama civilnoga društva, odnosno aktivističkih praksi. Pozitivna korelacija s aktivizmom ostaje zamjetna i nakon uključenja uobičajenih korelata, poput članstva u udruzi ili uopćenoga povjerenja. Religioznost ima pozitivnu korelaciju na članstvo u udrugama civilnoga društva, ali negativnu na aktivističke prakse. Zaključuje se kako internetske društvene mreže zbog svojih tehnološko-komunikacijskih karakteristika služe kao relevantan agens participacijskih praksi mladih, uz potrebu proširenih istraživanja s probabilističkim uzorkom.The main goal of this article is to analyze the association between the usage of internet social networks (in the example of Facebook) and the participatory dimensions of social capital of youth in Croatia. The research used Robert D. Putnam\u27s operationalized participatory dimensions of social capital as well as theories of internet social networks as potential agents of social capital. The research was conducted via online survey in 2012 on a convenience sample of Croatian youth (N = 577). The results indicate there is a consistent link between the usage of internet social networks and the number of memberships in non-govern- mental organizations and civil activism. A positive correlation with activism remains significant even after including standard correlates such as memberships in organizations or generalized trust. Religiosity is positively associated with membership in non-governmental organizations, but negatively with social engagement and activism. It is concluded that internet social networks, due to their technological and communication characteristics, serve as a relevant agent for participatory practices of youth with the necessity to expand research with a probabilistic sample

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study on Temporomandibular Joint Morphology

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has enabled the accomplishment of a more effective diagnostics of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The sample included 40 patients with clinical symptoms of disc displacement (DD) of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and 25 subjects included in our study were asymptomatic. DD were diagnosed by clinical examinations which were subsequently confirmed by MRI. DD was found in 18% of the TMJs of the asymptomatic patients. The highest prevalence of total DD without reduction was found in 44.1% of the patients’ joints subsequently followed by total DD with reduction comprising 34.9% of the TMJs and by partial DD with reduction comprising 21% of the TMJs. This study may help us clarify the complicated relationship which exists between the radiographic and clinical findings of TMJ disorders